"which and how many sims in my game dislike mischief. but the things that do work are vital to me for finding stuff like say. Some things won't work even though documented as working, because it's basically breaking in slow motion as EA updates the game and I don't know what I will do when it finally dies.

This is THE TOOL for searching for sims of a given nature. It does for me, and it does for others I've asked, and hopefully it will for you as well. ShowSimInfo - this ancient no longer updated mod will have warnings from commentators on it's webpage saying it no longer works. This is basically THE PLACE to go to make your game uniquely your playstyle. LittleMsSam's website full of mods - this modder has a huge list of mods, nearly anyone will find something in there that becomes a dramatic vital part of their gameplay, but because the list is so vast and diverse what you find vital will be different for everyone. Kuttoe's various aspirations, careers, events, and trait packs. Nisa's Lot Trait Extender (this comes included in some NSFW mods, but is standalong on 'littlemssams' website if you're not using those mods).Ĭhingyu's various trait packs - I'm not sure I could even run sims without this stuff. Note that if you get the NSFW one, you then wants mods for unclothed body types and skin replacements because the default body when unclothed looks pretty bad. That's essentially a split between NSFW and SFW on handling romance, relationships, and imtimacy.