Here is a faction and unit overview for ArmeniaĮastern Empires (Total War: Rome II) Faction Bonus: Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units. Looking at their unit roster, I think Armenia is going to be a pretty strong multiplayer faction, with a goo.This Super-Heavy Cavalry used the best iron Armor available in the Eastern Plains, and was used by the Armenian high nobility known as the Nakharar. I would like to see the the historical Ayrudzi Cav. I want Armenia to be a good choice for Multiplayer battles, this is why I am asking. And will they be able to compete with other factions? Strong factions such as Rome, Sassanids, Palmyra, etc. What new units can we expect in Empire Divided for Armenia faction.They have Eastern Catas, Royal Catas, Azat Knights, Noblr Blood Cav, Nolbe Spearmen, Eastern Archers/Slinger/Javelinmen, Axemen, Noble Spearmen, Armoured and Light Horse Archers.This is enough for being a too powerfull faction in MP, but I hope they add some new infantry, some unique units.
In Bezabda Armenian Second Legion served together with Legions Parthica and II Flavia
Armenian Second legion is furthermore mentioned in the year 360AD as a part of the garrison of Bezabda (anciently called Phoencia) at the upper Tigris. Since the days of its first great empire it has come under the sway of foreign powers on no less than three occasions, but with each successive setback it. Armenia Faction : For centuries Armenia has nurtured the spark of greatness, waiting for the right moment to turn it in to flames. Armenia Faction - Total War: Rome II - Royal Military Academy. Total War: Attila New!! Factions Units Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit Icon. Total War: Rome II Factions Units Auxiliary Corps Units in Custom Battle Buildings Technologies Household Regions Mercenaries Total War: Rome II: MODs Radious Total War Mod Divide et Impera Total War: Rome II: ICONs BullGod's Unit Icons Normal's Rome II_Units Icon Medieval II: Total War: MODs Broken Crescent 1.05 Broken Crescent 2.02 Stainless Steel 5.1b Stainless Steel 6.1 Deus Lo Vult 5.7 Deus Lo Vult 6.0 HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 05 The Long Road 2.0 Lands to Conquer Gold DarthMod 1.4D: The Last Episode Das Heilige Romische Reich 06 Third Age 1.3 Third Age 1.4 Third Age 2.1 Third Age 3. Medium Ship / Artillery Ship / (Eas_Ballista_Five) Light Artillery Penteres - Eastern Ballista (Ship) Ballista bolts or stones are a powerful tool for destroying an enemy's will to resist.